So the time has come when I get to jump back into WoW. Not only did we fix our internet so that it works in the basement, but my lag is almost non existent! We had to buy new wi-fi cards for the computers, but I can tell you it was completely worth it. I am still only really playing while the baby sleeps, but since she is getting old, it is easier to just play at night when she goes to bed. My real goal is to raid again, which I was worried would take years to achieve again (well maybe not years but at least a few months) but when I read the recent patch 4.2 notes, I feel more confident that I will be healing raids again real soon. Now I am excited with the gear changes with the patch. Since you can buy tier 11 items with this patch, I think I will be able to gear up quickly and with that gear I will be able to run heroics for other gear more effectively.

So since I have been not playing much, I was very worried to partake in heroics. I thought that since I heard everything was insanely hard that I would not be able to do it until I had amazing gear. But practice makes perfect I guess because I got talked into a heroic and did just fine. Yes it was stressful and I was nervous, but it was fun plus I got gear!

Once, we are ready to raid, we are going to need to find or start a group in the guild that will be able to raid later in the evening, but since we live on the east coast and the server is a west coast server, it should be pretty easy to find others who want to raid as well. I hope it will be easier since we already have me as a healer and my husband as a tank. Only one more of each to find! Plus, I know there are plenty of other in the guild who want to raid but cannot yet, so I am hoping that putting a group together will be easy.

To change the topic a bit, I find it funny how my opinion of WoW has changed since I have become a more casual player. I used to think that changes with gear like this patch is implementing was horrible and made people lazy gamers. Yes, I know that is rude, but I really just thought that if you wanted the gear you needed to earn it the hard way by raiding. But my perception has completely changed now that it is difficult to play constantly and I am happy that Blizzard makes these changes in order to draw in the new players and the returning ones. Once I heard that it would be easier for me to get to a higher level of gear in a short time frame I know I jumped completely on board. And who wouldn’t? I know that some of you will still have a problem with easy gear, but now I am thankful that I will be able to participate in one of my favorite activities again.

Feels good to be back!