Archive for August, 2010

Raid Etiquette

There are many posts out there about what it takes to be a valued member of a raid, most of which help direct people into preparing for a raid via flasks, reagents, knowing the fights and heck even being on time! But what about when you are in a raid? Are there certain rules to follow? Ways to act? Let’s take a look at some things to know during a raid.

1.  If you are not the raid leader, please don’t act like one. This is one of the things my raid leaders complain about the most. There are always certain people in the raid that think they know everything there is to know about a boss and they need to tell you all the tips and tricks they know, or remind people of common facts before the pull, even if you have had this boss on farm for weeks. Ever heard that sentence that starts “Well in my old guild…” Yeah that one makes a raid leader want to pull their hair out. Now if you are wiping over and over and you know a trick that might help, go ahead and bring it up. But if you are doing it to show off your knowledge base, realize most of the time no one really cares.

2. Leave the talking over vent to the raid leaders during a boss fight. Have you ever been fighting a boss and everyone is calling out bone spikes yet because of vent lag and redundancy all you hear is “BBOOBONEBIONE GAH SPIKEHAHAKBONSPIKE OMGWTF BBQ!” or some semblance of messed up jarble? Yeah… that is loud and half the time no one knows what is being said anyway. Let’s leave it to the leaders to call out DBM warnings and other mishaps.  Tanks are usually the only exception here, since they need to communicate to the group and each other about the fight. Or if you are a healer that has aggro, then a call out is warranted. If you see something important or you die, go ahead and say something, but don’t start yelling out everything.

3. Don’t try to be Big Daddy! If you think things are out of hand in either chat or vent, tell a raid leader. Saying things like “Shh focus” or calling people out can just create unnecessary raid drama. If you have a problem, let the leaders handle it. That is what they are there for.

4. Do not point the finger openly. Close with number 3, after a wipe it is rude to get over vent and go “*SIGH* why did I get no heals,” especially if you are a DPS. the same goes for “*SIGH* why where the tanks not taunting” or “*UGH* why is dps so low.” Fact is, if you noticed it, so did the raid leaders. If you think they did not, then send them a tell. Calling things out like this will usually get the tanks to not taunt off you, the healers to not save you, and the DPS to laugh as you die!

5. Timing is everything. Not only should you be on time to a raid, but if you are going to be leaving early, when is the best time to tell the raid leader? A) 5 minutes before you need to log out. B) Right when raid is being formed. C) Never! Just log! Do I really need to go into what is the right answer? I know RL things come up, and they cannot be planned for. But when you tell your raid group that since you have school tomorrow you need to leave right now…well that could have been told to everyone at the beginning of the raid and could have been better planned.

6. Breaks! These are necessary in a raid. Usually everyone can use a potty break every now and then. But what happens when it becomes excessive? Taking 10-15 minutes to recover after each boss wipe is crazy and a huge waste of time. (This is common in my guild when everyone takes a smoke break after each wipe.)  When a raid leader calls a break, take that time to stand up and stretch your legs, take a bathroom break, or get some water. Now, emergencies can and will happen: power outages, disconnections, kids, anything can happen and these are all understandable (last night I had to leave raid for 10 minutes and all I could say over vent was “Emergency,” I gave everyone a scare but they understood when I told them my dogs were fighting and I had to break them up)

7. Don’t stroke you own ego. You did 10k dps on Saurfang? Good job!  But posting meters is unnecessary and so is stating it 50 times in vent. After a while it is not cool to show your numbers, but annoying!

These are just a few things to keep in mind when raiding. Not only will it help keep your raid leaders sanity in check, but also the other raiders.

Any other things you could add to this list?

Achievement win!

Since we beat The Lich King in 10s, we have been doing hard modes and working on the achievements. Well last night we got to cross another off our list: All You Can Eat, the Sindragosa stack achievement. That one is  a pain in the butt, though easier now with the 30% buff.

Now all we have left to do is The Lich King achievement (which we would have had last night but our tank never told us he had to leave early and just left), Hard Mode Professor, Hard Mode Sindragosa, and the most embarrassing to admit Hard Mode Dreamwalker.

You may wonder how Heroic Dreamwalker is such a pain for our group. Here is the make up we run with:

Resto Druid

Resto Shammy

Disc Priest

Prot Pally

DK Tank




DPS DK (my husband who will also play on his Shammy if we need the heals)

Last spot filled with either another Hunter, a Warrior, a Boomkin, Lock, or another Mage. We have about 14 people in the group and will rotate depending on who needs bosses.

Most of the healing is done by me and the Resto Shammy. The Disc Priest is just not very good. Nicest guy on the planet though. For Dreamwalker, we usually have our Resto Shammy go in the portals and have a mage bring his Pally. But for some reason the heals are just not happening fast enough. I stay outside and heal the raid but my mana is always an issue for a few reasons. The first is that the frostbolts are not getting interrupted very well and when they hit me I am losing too much mana. The next reason is that the Pally tank will not cleanse himself from the bad and takes a lot of damage. And finally that dang black circle of doom is always casted on me and I am slowed and lose all my mana!

I think I just hate this fight because I would love to go into the portals. I think it would be a blast and I would even spec for Healing Touch spam! But, they do not want anyone else healing the raid (even though it has been fail each time), so I am stuck out there. The fight in general is just frustrating. I am always being chased by an add and having to run for my little tree life.  I think I would rather fight Sindragosa Hard Mode each week than ever touch Dreamwalker.

Now we are stuck in this limbo of Hard Mode bosses. We made attempts at Professor Hard, which is really not that bad, but we had fail on the disease. We also did Sindragosa Hard a few times, which is like eating shards of glass. I am hoping that next week we can get one of these bosses down so that we can get our pretty mounts!…even though I love swift flight form too much to ever use it…. =/

Blog Azeroth: I Can Do More Than Heal…Can You?

This week the Blog Azeroth Shared Topic comes from Resto Dude and he wonders what we as players/characters can do for the group that is outside our primary roles as DPS/Tanks/Healers. Now most of my post will reflect a lot back at BC when we were not only required to heal but to CC as well. But I still think these methods hold true today.

 When I First Felt Important.

When my husband and I first started playing together, he was a Hunter. Back in times of Steam Vaults, I pulled a lot of aggro. I have no idea why but I just always did while healing. Ever time a mob would come rushing at me, They would be frozen in the blink of an eye. I figured this was a Hunter trapping but I had this sense of importance. A dps was going out of their way to make sure my tree butt did not die.

I started to notice more and more things of this nature coming from other DPS classes. Mages would cast Frost Nova when adds would run towards the healers, letting the tanks get aggro back and saving our butts. Plate DPS would taunt an add knowing you would die faster then they would. Tank and DPS Pallys would bubble the healer preventing and untimely death. All of these occurences in instances and raids were great. I felt the DPS and Tanks really cared if the Healers died. Which I understood, I worked my butt off to heal them, and they wanted to keep me alive to continue to do so. But they seemed to be going out of their way to do so, and I was grateful.

The Druid Arsenal

So I began to think, as  Resto Druid, what can I do other than to make the lives of everyone about me easier? I feel we have many spells that easy the life of those around us.

Faerie Fire – A spell I feel most Resto Druids do not even look at. I know this is not mandatory in fights where you have a Boomkin or a feral druid. I think this is a fun spell to throw out there to get a little extra oomph. Plus it is an instant cast! And since most of the time mana is not an issue anymore, this is not very costly.


Druids have a ton of CC, and most of the time as Resto we are not able to use it. There are fights that if I have to continue shifting in and out of Tree form to cast a CC I will be out of mana during the tough healing spots of the fight. But there are some that there is really no issue.

Cyclone – I love using this spell, especially in Lady Deathwhisper hard. CCing the mind controlled target before it can kill another healer is pretty fun. Plus most of the time in this fight our DPS get a little DPS crazy and forget this mind control is running around reeking havoc on the raid. I feel almost accomplished when I get my cyclone off before the target gets to cast anything.
Hibernate –  A spell that was useful in SSC back in the day makes another appearance in ICC and in RS! Those pesky Blood Beasts can be Hibernated before they kick the crap out of a DPS or Healer. Sleeping the dragonkin is very useful in trash throughout RS. CC is something that most are not used too since we have not had the need since BC, but getting back in the habit is great, especially with the xpac coming up.
Entangling Roots – Making sure a mob does not beat up its non-tank target is useful! Or saving yourself when you pull too much healing aggro.
Everyone has been through this situation, the boss is at 3%, everyone else is dead but you and the tank. Do you just stand there and let the tank try to kill the boss? Or do you pop out of Tree and blast him with a Moonfire and Wrath Bomb barrage?  How proud do you feel when the boss falls to your hands? 
Man Bear Tree
Have a lot of incoming damage? Know the healers will have problems healing you? Bear form! That little extra health may keep you from looking like mush on the floor.
Bash – Ever get sucked into the sword during Lich King? If you ever do shift to Bear, Enrage, and bash that little ghosts butt when he is about to cast. This can really help slow down damage to let you heal more effectively. Plus you will have a less chance to die causing a raid wipe.
That is all I can think of that I have done for now. I am sure there are many other combos and abilities that a Resto Druid can use to save someone or help a raid out. What do you do that goes above and beyond?

What Happened To My Raid?

Is anyone else wondering this lately? I feel this is a question I ask myself every 25 man and 10 man raid night. What is happening to the raids? Let me just hit on a few things that I have noticed in my guild:

1. We are wiping on easy peasy bosses…Failed 25 HM Marrowgar you say? How many times you may ask…6…no that is not a typo. Yes we have downed him a million times in the past and never wiped. What happened? DPS did not down the Bone Spikes. Where they punished? Yes, the RL docked 50 dkp if a DPS never switched to the spikes.  What about 25 HM Rotface and Festergut? Yes we wiped on them both multiple times! Again some members were punished for their mistakes which included but not limited to: not running to tanks when you had a small ooze, pulling the boss before everyone was ready, and chaining vile gas to healers.

2. Poor attendance. I will say that because of some severe pregnancy exhaustion I have falling into this category with my 25 mans a few times, but the raid (who are mostly guys) understands and are not mad for fear I may rage! But I always post if I will not be attending. This is just a given. I understand that things come up, but we have a thread on our website that is for just that! Post that you will not be coming, no one will be mad. But disappearing for 3 weeks, well that just sucks.

3. Using healers, tanks and DPS that are usually “extras” and give sub par performance as consistent raid members (this is for our 25 mans mostly). Everyone has this, and I think you know what I am talking about. There are those members which will always show up and can be used on easy/farmable bosses, but they can never really keep up with the main raid. It is not that they need better gear (after much analysis of the player is done we can determine that) but something is just not clicking with them. For example – a disc priest that will not bubble, even when instructed to. Or a tank that will only AOE taunt (even on Saurfang) and dies so quickly that healers hate healing them (we have yet to figure out how this is possible). When these people are used on bosses like HM Sindi or even LK to some extent, this can cause a lot of problems and frustrations.

4. In 10 mans we are dealing with missing member issues and also “duh” moments. Let me just ask…..why are you still DPSing when slime is flying at your face? Or why did you not run when the orange ooze was on you? Finally why are you still casting when you have 4 stacks of the debuff for HM Sindi? It seems like we are not playing up to our potential and letting game common sense fly out the window.

Why the Issues?

There are many reasons for the above issues. The first, and probably most common for this time of year, is the summer bug. Going outside is something I promote, especially because a lot of the time fresh air > WoW. School is out so many of the college and younger generation are able to stay out with friends later and are busy socializing. I completely understand and promote this. Real life should come above a game all the time.

Another reason would be the pre-expansion blues. This happens with every expansion WoW has given us. We are bored with content, bored with raids, heck even bored with characters. Some people (like my husband) really want to change characters all the time due to boredom. Some people just are so sick of farming the same content over and over they need to escape and beg the expansion to come faster. Though common, this can really hurt a raid.

What about the people I mentioned above, the ones so bored and sick of their class? We have another Resto Druid that runs with us and she down right never wants to play her Druid again. She cannot even stand to log her anymore. With our shortness of healers, this puts us in a hard place. She wants to play a Hunter, but we are full on them. So she opted for her Priest. She is still healing, though is happier not healing the same way she has for 2 years. Luckily, she had another class she could play or else she would not be raiding anymore.

Indifference. Yes we killed HM Marrowgar a million times. Yes, everyone does know the fight. But that does not mean you just cannot try anymore and wipe the raid for the rest of us. There are some players that have their brain stuck on perma-farm. They just go about the motions, even if those motions are wrong. Some DPS just stand there and DPS. No moving no nothing. Some healers just spam one heal, even if it is not needed because they feel they are not needed and the other healers can handle it. I fear this is one of the major issues plaguing our guild at the moment and I am hoping we can get past it.  

Finally, another game (or in our case Starcraft). When a new game comes out, especially one everyone has waiting what feels like forever for, this can shake the balance of WoW. I know I love playing Starcraft and there are many times when I would rather play that then raid (its true!). I know there are many like me who feel it is a great break from the norm. But there are times when I have to quit killing Zerg and start healing a raid. SC is now the reason why my Loremaster achievement getting has halted and why my priest is not 80!

What Can We Do?

Attendance issues will always happen, especially in the summer time. So this is really nothing new or that can be avoided. However, making a “must post” policy might help us know who will be attending and who we can count on as regular raiders.

As you noticed with many of the issues I brought up, there are a lot of those “brain fart” moments happening that are wiping us on easy bosses. Well my raid leader has come up with a solution: DKP docking. This may sound harsh, but let me tell you, it has shown it works already. After the first week of really horrible failing, there was a post made by our raid leader that detailed what happened, who messed up, and what they suffered as consequence. The max loss of DKP was 100. This post was about people chaining vial gas for Festergut as well as not stacking when the spores came out (this night made me want to pull my hair out, especially when the spore that was standing right beside me ran away to some far off location.) Total loss of DKP for that night was 500. No one complained since we all knew what happened was horrible and needed fixed.

We run last week and we get to Festergut. Not one person messed up the spores or the vial gas. We were happy that finally something got through to the repeat offenders and they were able to make a change that helped the raid. This is not saying that night was perfect, no very far from it. But the next day a post came up of more dockings and reasons. The total loss of DKP for that night was 200. Less than half as much as the time before.

I am not saying that everyone needs to start punishing raiders for simple mistakes. Usually, just the simple fact of calling them out will help then see what they are doing wrong.

As Wraith is coming to a close, I know it is a daunting task to sit in ICC and see the same bosses we have for months, but I keep playing and healing knowing that everything will change soon and I might as well get my fix before healing for me is changed. Just remember that feeling you have when you step inside ICC for the billionth time, everyone is feeling. There is no need to argue and there is no need to get made, just sit back and enjoy the ride of Wraith before it is gone for good!

When Truces Cannot Be Reached.

I find it funny how I make a post about guildie relationships and how to make them better and get into it with a fellow guildie right after. But this is a situation I feel goes above and beyond the whole ‘I hate you, you hate me’ type feelings and greatly affects the value I placed on this person as a human being.

Trouble Brewing

So we are sitting around last night waiting to see if one of our tanks will be showing up for the raid. As we are sitting there, TankA, who I have mentioned in the past as not seeing eye to eye with, is looking at people who are around him and their arena scores.

Now let me just break here for a second and say that TankA thinks he is the king of the arena, and will tell you so…over and over and over again. When someone else is doing arena he will say “Look at MY arena score. Bet you cannot top that.” His score is around 2600, which I will admit is good, but he is also the type of player that will say if you cannot play arena you suck at WoW…

So back to the story. So he is looking at people’s scores and cue the dialog which happened over vent.


Me – Resident Tree!

TankA – Resident Jerkface

WarriorofAwesome (WoA) – female warrior in the group

Cue the scene:

TankA – “Who is ShammyofCoolness? Anyone know?”

WoA – “Yeah I know her. She is in my old guild.”

TankA – “Wait that is a chick? Like a real chick or a dude trying to be a chick?”

WoA – “Like a real chick.”

TankA – “Can’t be. They have a 2800 arena score and girls cannot play arena that well.” *Let me add that this was in not a joking tone but he was laughing in an insincere way* 

Me – *Cue O.O face and sit in shock for like 5 seconds. *

WoA – “Ummm its a girl…..” *cue her O.O face here*

Me – “Are you kidding me TankA, like really, you have to be kidding? That is the most sexist thing I have ever heard.”

TankA – “No I am serious, girls cannot get arena scores like that.”

Me – “I cannot believe the amount of disrespect you have for woman. There are two of us in vent right now. And you have the gall to say something like that?! That is the ****ing rudest thing.”

WoA – “You know Sarin, lets me thankful that he is here now and not out there in the world treating woman like that.”

*Silence enters vent as I think the group (of mostly men) is processing what just happened. I rant to my husband a bit who is sitting there shaking his head at TankA’s rudeness. I also write the raid leader and apologize for flipping,  he asks me why it took me so long to tell him off in the first place. ❤ RL! *

About 2 minutes of silence goes by….

TankA – “Sarindre I am sorry but you got to understand my point. I have played arena since it first appeared in WoW and I have never seen a women on Blackrock play arena. They are all men and they are better than anyone. ”

Me – “Let me stop you right there TankA. I do not want to hear this at all. Just because on one server you do not know a woman who plays arena does not mean they do not exist. Most would probably not talk to you because of the constant s*** you spew. Just remember the next time you get beat in arena there is probably a woman sitting there laughing at your fail. Maybe you should think before you open your mouth. ”

*Again quiet came over vent and our other tank never showed so we called the raid. Me and WoA went down a vent channel and I got to hear what happened on her end!*

WoA – “TankA whispered me and asked what he did wrong.”

Me – “You have got to be joking…”

WoA – “Nope. I told him that girls can play a game just as well as boys can and just because he thinks he knows what sex someone is, it does not give him the right to be sexist and rude. Especially with two females in vent!”

Does Gender Really Matter?

Now let me add in here that being 15 weeks pregnant makes me a little…testy. But, I also have thought that there really is no line between males and females, especially in gaming where anonymity is everything. We are characters on a screen, but behind there lies a person with thoughts and feelings. And such blatant disrespect should not be tolerated. If I had the chance I would say this all again to him and I would hope that any person that heard such a thing would agree.

One person in our guild said to WoA that she needed to switch to healing since that was all the females in the guild could do. I have never had this happen in our guild before and since it has, I have lost a lot of respect for both the males who produced these comments.

 This lead me to think about the importance of gender in a game. When you get into vent and you find out a female is tanking, do you leave the raid? How about when the raid leader is a female? In our guild, most of the healers are female… should the few male healers be ridiculed? Where do we draw the line on this? I have seen amazing female tanks and had great female raid leaders. But I have heard stories of males being put in a raid group where a female was leading and just leaving because of that.

Being females plopped into a male dominated hobby, it can be hard to fit in and find your place. There are many females that do not speak on vent for fear that if the men find out she is a woman, they will not respect her as much. To me this is just sad. We should not be afraid that we will be judged on being females, but seen for our skill and aptitude in the game.

Have you ever seen this situation? How did you handle it?

Rapid Share UI Configuration!

Here is a link to my Rapid Share download for my WTF Configuration file. I have received a few emails lately about how to get my curse UI pack to look like my UI I posted a while ago.  Let me know if you need more to get everything to work properly.

Enjoy! Hope this works! 🙂

Guildie Hate: Can there ever be a Truce?

I think we would be all be hard pressed to say that we all love EVERYONE in our guild. There are always going to be people who just have miss-matching personalities and will butt heads. Generally, there is nothing wrong with this. Many times it can bring up interesting debates and strategies when they are not seeing eye to eye.

But what happens when 2 guildies hate each other so much that they will not work together at all? Or when one hates the other and friction arises.

Story Time!

When I first joined the guild I am in almost 3 years ago they had no Resto Druids in the guild and my first night in the guild I was made a member of group 1 and was in Kara. Everyone in the group was awesome and welcoming. I was trying hard to be my friendly and outgoing self as well. We had a great time and I started running with them regularly.

After a few months of joining the guild I was made officer and was also giving the healing assignments in 25 mans. I started to notice a female, FemaleX,  in the group was being kinda snarky with me. She never spoke on vent, but when I asked a question she would readily ignore me or give 2 words answers. I did not really mind, I was still fine running with her and just letting it be. Then another person in the guild, GuildieA, mentions to me that FemaleX was saying how much she hated me and could not stand to raid with me, but that since the Guild Leader, who was also our Raid Leader, and me and him hit it off rather well she was just going to ignore me and not heal me.

This was sort of a problem. We were part of the healing team in 10 and 25 mans. However, I kinda just laughed the situation off and pondered what I could have possibly done to make her hate me so. I asked GuildieA if they heard why I was disliked, to which I was informed that FemaleX “did not like the way I talked to guys on vent and in guild.” Cue O.O face from me. 

Now, I am an outgoing person and I am friendly with everyone. I talk in vent, I talk in guild. I just like to have friends in the game. My husband, then boyfriend, is also in this guild and he has never had any problem with what I have ever said to another guy in the game.  So I figured she did not like that I would joke with the guys and be a female that gets in on the “guy talk,” which happens because over 95% of the guild is male. Also being a female that is not afraid to talk in vent I would get a lot of the “oh its a girl” comments, which I think bothered FemaleX as well.

Do I think this is all my fault? I guess I will take some of the blame. I am chatty with the guys and I understand some other females might not understand and think it is wrong. Do I think making friends and communicating with them is wrong? Heck no! We are free to talk to who we want to. Just because I talk with Joe Warrior does not mean I am in love with him and want to be with him forever. We are just friends. I have way more guy friends than girl friends, that is just how it has been in my life.

So I decide to take some action and see what the real issue is. I send FemaleX a message through the forum system, a system that I know she uses because of other communication we all had as a group on there once. I ask her if she has a problem and if there was anyway we could talk out our issues. I check the boxes to be notified when the mail was read. I wait a week and still she has not read my mail. I decide to take a more direct approach and send her a tell asking if she had a minute to talk…No response. *She was talking in guild at the time so I know she was there plus someone else whispered her a little “hey” to see if she would respond and she did*

Perplexed and not wanting to ruin a raid or any group chemistry, I go to my GL and ask him about the situation. He is a close friend of hers as well and tells me that he knows she really does not like me and he does not know why either.

This continues for a long while. And is seeming to get worse and worse, even though I stopped talking as much in vent during our 10 mans runs to see if this would calm her down. After a while, and for completely non-related reasons, my husband and I decide to take a little WoW break. The break only lasted about 3 – 4 months but it was nice.

We come back and everyone seems pretty excited. The guild is currently working on the ToC and Ulduar instances. My raid leader tells me that I have my spot back in group one and obviously 25 mans. I am excited to hear this, but then he throws in this little bit of information…FemaleX refuses to do any raids with me, so for 10 mans I will take her spot on bosses she does not need and she will not be attending most 25 mans. Again cue the O.O from me. I think this is completely crazy and he tells me he will be seeing what he can do about this.

Feelings in a Game?!

Needless to say, I felt pretty down. I would get tells from people during raids what would ask why I was sitting or why she was (neither of us had ever been sat during a raid in the past unless requested by us). I just tell them it is a rotation, trying not to feed the fire of the situation any more. Some people knew what was going on and would send me tells of sympathy and sometimes anger at what was occurring. How these people knew I am not very sure, but I know the situation was traveling fast around the guild.

I will not lie, I was upset. Not just upset, but pissed. I was not only mad that I had to miss raids and could not play with my friends because someone ‘didn’t like me very much’ but also because I was never given a clear reason as to why. Not that it would have changed much, but I feel we would have talked and worked out something. Maybe not though, no one can know for sure. But I knew I had taken the right steps into trying to create a working relationship with this person. And in the end, it was the best that I could do.

No Love for You!

There will always be someone in the guild that rubs you the wrong way. For instance there is a person in my 10 man that I cannot see eye to eye with ever. We completely clash on many different levels. Does raiding with him make my life horrible? No. Do I think he makes raids harder to enjoy? Yes. Would I ever refuse to raid with him? No. As I have said in posts in the past, raiding is not just about a singular person getting great loot, it is about the accomplishment you feel when you finally down The Lich King with your friends.  By yourself you could not have gone in to ICC and beat that punk, but with your 9 or 24 other companions you could.

We are only as good as the sum of our parts, but that does mean that all the parts have to love each other 24/7. But if we can suck up our emotions for 2-4 hours of raid time, then we can achieve a lot more.


After a while, my husband and I decided to quit WoW for a bit again since we were dealing with a move and being newlyweds. This break lasted a while, we did not start playing WoW again till The Lich King was released. But I did not want to deal with the late raid times so we moved servers and played in a friends guild. A few months passed and we went back to our old server and old guild ( I can never stay away from them). I was no longer in group one because they were full and I was so far behind on gear from being gone. But it was fine, another group needed my husband and I as members so we joined them.

Now that we are back again. I have very little interactions with FemaleX, usually only in 25 mans. She still does not talk to me nor answer me but I feel there is less friction. She even resurrected me the other night. Something I do not think I have ever seen. I have no idea what changed with her. Did she find that the reasons she disliked me were silly? Did she just learn to ignore me? Who knows. I do not think I ever will. But I am ok with that. As long as we are able to work together on raid nights and down bosses I am happy.

Guildie Drama. What you can do.

Having and issue with someone in your guild? Try these methods out for size:

1. Try talking to the guildie and seeing if you can work out your issues. Maybe this is all over a silly misunderstanding! Maybe there is a deep issue going on. You will never know till you talk.

2. Talk to an officer. Most officers are here to help out. They have duties they follow and try to make the guild “mesh” better.

3. Officer does not work, talk to the Guild Leader. Yes, usually they are busier with other guild things, but this is matter that can affect how a raid will go. No matter what people think, most GL’s want their guild to be happy and work well with each other.

4. See a guildie talking down on another guildie in g-chat and no officers are on? Take a stand. Ask them to cool it or take it to whispers. Tell them that g-chat is not the place for public drama. Make sure you let the officers know about these issues.

Now, I am not about /ignoring guildies, no matter how things may be going. (Harassment of any kind is a different matter and a different issue. I am not addressing this here. If you are suffering from harassment go to your GL right away and if it does not stop talk to a GM.) Normal annoyance is really no reason to mute or /ignore someone in your guild. What if they are a tank and are talking about specific fight strategies? What if they are a healer and are out of mana? There are plenty of reasons to not want to speak to someone or hear what they are talking about. But at least in a raid situation, it is better to hear all 24 other players then have an issue when you are blocking 1 or 2.