Baby Pally has Grown

I have finally made level 100 on my Pally and I am super exited to try her out heals. I am only sitting at a 609 gear score, but I am working on getting more gear and getting silver proving grounds so that I can get my ring. Though I was at about 15 seconds before I could win silver and of COURSE the tank died. It is good practice for me healing though since I leveled as Ret. I went to ICY VEINS and found out some of the best talents and the stat priorities but I really need to sit down and find some resources to read about Holy Pally’s in general. I am looking for great information on rotation especially to ensure that I am being efficient. So, if you have any great references, please post them into the comments below or tweet me @sarindre .

Saturday Night Raid

We had a great raid on Saturday night getting down Hans and Franz for the first time and having a few tries on Flamebender Ka’graz (dang wolves!) and we should get her down soon. After we tried there we went back to Gruul and let’s take note that he did NOT drop the staff (Inferno-Flame Staff) nor did my bonus roll yield me the staff. Frankly, I sit around with 10 seals and use them every chance I get, but I rarely get anything from those rolls. Stupid staff…

New Stuff!

Now it is time for some new stuff! My husband, a friend of ours, and I have decided to start a podcast/website! It is called Geeks and Geeklets: An Adventure Guide to Gaming Parents ( and is a site devoted to gaming, parenting, and all around geekery. Come join us as we balance our lives as gamers with parenting and as we watch our littles grow up surrounded by geek culture. The website will contain articles, tips & tricks, and eventually a podcast (in the works!). We are up and coming but would love for you to stop by and check things out!

Also, some of you might know that I run another general gaming blog over at Here I talk about other games I am playing and the joys/struggles of being a gamer mom. Well I will no longer be posting there and will be focusing those posts to the Geeks and Geeklets site. So if you have read and enjoyed The Geeky Mommy, hop on over to Geeks and Geeklets for similar content.

Finally, I will be guest writing over at Gaming Mommies!  I will mostly be focusing on WoW related content but the site is full of great groups and great people! Check them out!

Geeks and Geeklets Contact Info:

Email –

Site –

Twitter – @ggeeklets

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Tumblr – Geeks and Geeklets

Google+ –  Geeks and Geeklets

If you are interested in guest writing, please feel free to email us your post to with the subject “Guest Post.”

Happy Healing!