On Monday I said I wanted to talk a bit about gear and rotation and since I have not done much in WoW this week (ie – this post here) I figured it was a good place to start. Over the weekend I worked out some gear and rotation issues I have been having and I felt like I was in a good place. Though, I am not perfect and would like to look at my logs as one big happy family and see where I am having issues. I am mostly going to look at The Butcher for this information and I am using AskMrRobot as my combat log analyser. They have great graphics, and show the information in a nice concise way.  ***I would like to also note that I am only discussing my own healing and no one else’s in this post.***

The first image below is the overall healing for The Butcher. Like I said in the first post, I am very ecstatic about that 33K HPS, even though at my current gear score I think I can be pulling more. I have noticed my numbers are on a general uptrend (ie: Brackenspore was also at 33K). The next number that I am not too proud of is the overhealing number. As a healer from BC, overhealing has always been a big issue. You want to heal and make sure no one is dying but if you heal too much then it is a waste. There is such a fine line for me when it comes to healing and making sure the group is surviving. We will get more into this number a bit later. The last number of note here is my active time. Why is it not 100% you ask? Well because I use the Draenic Channeled Mana potion in fights and this gives me a 10 second downtime for every fight. (I love this potion in fights and find that if used correctly I can get a ton more mana especially when using the Stone of the Waters. I almost can make the Stone of Fire!). Then there is moving and the general “well no one is taking damage so I am not wasting mana,” standing around.


The next image is one that is more descriptive per spell. As you can see most of my overhealing comes from Rejuvenation, though I am not too shocked by this number. In many instances, especially in this fight, i try to roll HoTs (Rejuv and Germin) on a lot of the raid. With The Butcher, the melee DPS (or the DPS in melee position) take a lot of continuous damage.  The same can be said for the overhealing with Germination. Wild Mushroom, Wild Growth and Tranq are bound to have some overhealing, though Wild Growth might be a bit high and in this fight it seems that I did Tranquility at the wrong moment. 73% overheal….oi! I am happy to see some ok percentages for Multistrike since I do not focus on that stats.

One major issue I have is my Lifebloom. 22.3% uptime is not very good. I do not expect 100% since i like the bloom going off, but at least 75% . I need to make sure that I am rolling this on the tank that has main aggro on the boss.

I also need to make sure that I am using Nature’s Swiftness! I am using it more than i ever had before but I would like a higher uptime with it. It is such a useful spell but I hate to waste it at the very beginning of the fight where there might not be that much damage occurring.


Below is the graphic that shows the total healing done and lets me see how my mana is during the fight. I made it a little over halfway through before I used a Draenic Channeled Mana potion which let me finish the fight off until the end with pretty good mana. The big spike in healing is when I casted Tranquility. I know that casting Wild Growth is very mana heavy so I need to make sure that I am only using it where there is a group of players that are taking/will be taking a lot of damage. That will help me use less mana. Right now, I am enchanting my weapon with the mana enchant. I think I would like to take that off and try the haste enchant in order to see how it will affect my healing.


As I said before, I know I am not perfect and need some work. I need to focus on fixing my overhealing a bit, keeping Lifebloom up, and ensuring that I keep high raid awareness. I want to look more into what I am doing in order to hit the higher numbers and be a more effective healer for my team.

Any advice for me?

Check out Part 2 on Friday or Saturday to see some more analysis using some of AskMrRobots infographics!

Happy Healing!