Posts from the ‘Gear’ Category

Finally 85!

On Sunday, the hubby and I finally made it to 85. It really did not take as long as I thought it would. What really helped was us doing a dungeon. The baby was asleep for a while and we thought we would give it a go with a friend of ours. I was nervous, especially since I was not 100% sure on my class since the changes had been made. I replaced my gear, finally, and felt like I could give it a go. I just hoped for a good group so that I would not need to worry too much.

We were 83 when we signed up and ended up getting into Vortex Pinnacle. I was shocked by just how easily I fell back into the healer role. The heals flowed nicely and there was no deaths! Well…there was one death but it was my husband and completely his fault! He used AMS during the final boss instead of running into the triangle. We got to laugh it off in the end. I quite enjoyed the instance as well. The set up was interesting and it was  a very quick run. I love when this is so, especially with the baby. I even picked up some gear: Rainsong and Captured Lightning. I am not sure on the validity of Rainsong, how well it actually works, or if it will be useful for me, but for not it is better than my other options. Though, I have yet to see it proc, which is weird because most items I get the notice of the proc with my one addon, so I do not think I have had a proc yet. Sort of depressing.

I know that Heroics are quite a bit harder, but I can sure say that I am excited to run a few when I can, which is not too far off. I am currently at a 327 average gear score now. This is, in large part, due to the new gear I picked up with Justice Points. I was fortunate enough to have a lot of points saved up from WotLK dungeons. I am currently not sure how many you get per dungeon run, but I will need to look that up so that I can pick what is the way to save up for the new gear. What I did pick up was Blessed Hands of Elune and Thatch Eave Vines.  I find they are making a nice addition to my random blues I have received and the two I got from Vortex Pinnacle.

I am excited to run more dungeons and get the gear and practice for raids!

Blog Azeroth: My Favorite Weapon of All Time!

The topic over at Blog Azeroth is such a fun one for my first week back at posting! Kallixa wants to know what our favorite weapon is in WoW and why. This is their first suggest topic and I think it is a great one.

My favorite weapon comes from my early raiding days. It was my 21st birthday and I was spending it in Karazhan…don’t judge me monkey! I had been in there many many times and we were on my least favorite boss, the Maiden of Virtue. I didn’t like her because she was hard, but more that she was just plain annoying. I thought if I had to hear her say “your impurity must be cleansed” one more time, I was going to vomit. Every time we would fight her, the same loot would drop: Bracers of Maliciousness or Totem of Healing Rains. Neither of which I wanted or needed. There was one piece of loot that I did desire from her and that was the Shard of the Virtuous. Oh what a pretty weapon it was for me! And of course it was never to drop! Or so I thought…

When I finally heard her announce “Death comes. Will your conscience be clear?” I knew she was dead and I was happy to be done with the fight. I started to run towards the hallway when I heard announced “Oh my god!” over vent. I instantly went cat form and sprinted back to the body to see what the loot was. Lo and behold my mace was laying on her body in all its glory. I yelled “yippy” so loud that my dog jumped out of his bed. The loot master was my boyfriend at the time and me and him were the only ones that were able to roll on it. I thought I had it in the bag until I heard him say “finally” from his desk across the room. My heart sank for he had always been on to loot EVERY SINGLE ITEM that he needed by claiming he needed it more than others, basically he was a loot hog! I knew he would do a roll for the item and I just had to win. I mean c’mon it was my birthday!

He finally announced the loot and linked the mace in chat for the rolls. He rolled first, rolling a 95. At that point, I think the entire raid could hear my internal tears. But it was my birthday and I was feeling lucky! I finally typed /roll and closed my eyes tight. I could tell I won by the huge sigh erupting from across the room (did I mention that he was also a big baby?). I looked up and saw that I rolled a 100! Very fitting for my birthday and everyone else in the raid thought so.

After I received the mace, I equipped it and sang “Happy Birthday to me” very loudly in the room, feeling the glare burn into the side of my head. But I did not care, I was very very happy. Needless to say I still have that mace and not the boyfriend.

When Purples are Obsolete and Greens are Ruling my World…

Getting back into the swing of WoW was not as easy as I thought it would be. In fact, just relearning my class is making my head spin, and I have learned that my daughter can sense in her sleep when I log on and will wake up instantly! But, I am lucky enough to have a ton of wonderful sites available to help me get back on track. I just did not know this track was like the mile run in high school: I can do it, but man it took me a long time. So after spending two days just pouring over blogs about healing, (mostly focusing on Restokin and on Keeva’s  Healing Guide ) I think I am finally getting back on track. But, I know I have a lot left to do.

I had been putting off replacing my epics with greens since I started the journey to 85 (currently halfway to 84 yay!). Honestly, it makes me feel a little sad every time I have to do it. Every quest reward that I knew would replace one of my epics, I would just hide deep within my bags and try not to think about. That was until the comparisons that pop up when you mouse over an item went blaring green to show me that the green I was hovering over was indeed better than my hard earned epic. Now I know this is common practice when WoW comes out with new levels. But I just hoped this time I could hold out and cherish my epics a little longer this time. Of course I was wrong. But I am not really in a rush to replace them just yet. As I have said before, I have not had a chance to run any dungeons. I would really hate for the baby to wake up during one and cause me to bounce out of there. But, a few guildies know what is going on and would not mind if I had to leave in the middle, so I just might start. My fear is that since my gear is outdated, would I even fair so well. Heck, since my healing is a bit rusty, I have this constant fear people will just die and I will be labeled a failure. Pathetic I know, but this is how I feel every time they change up druids…inexperienced.

So now I have a bag full of potential green upgrades that I just do not want to look at. At first I told myself that I was not 100% sure what stats were relevant anymore (lie) and that I would need to do a little research (partly true). I am not dumb, I know that strength and agility are magically the stats for me to take, but I truly was not sure of the priority on the gear. I know Intellect is the way to go, but what about this new Mastery, where does it fall in the grand scheme of my gear? How about Haste?! Did I still need a million points in it to be effective? I now know the answer to these questions, thanks to the blogs listed above, but I still do not want to log into the game and start the process. I can blame it on the baby hormones all I want (they are still floating in my system a little bit…I still cry at car commercials…yes I know, my husband laughs at me too) but I know they are not the only cause of my laziness. And neither is being tired, which is not happening here since the little sapling sleeps great at night (last night she slept for 10 hours straight!). I just have a hard time replacing purples with greens and it is just ingrained in my brain that this is a bad thing, even though I know it is not.

What I really should be doing is signing up for instances, getting blues, and practice my healing a bit. This will take a stretch of baby sleep time which I cannot be 100% certain about yet, but replacing with blues seems a whole lot better in my head. But tonight is the night when I will look through those greens and put the purples away (I could just DE them, but I like to hoard them till my bank is completely full…yet another character flaw!). If not tonight then tomorrow! Well I am busy tomorrow so then Friday! Hmm I might have something to do on Friday…bah it will happen I swear! 🙂

I also need to get caught up on raids, instances, professions, and achievements ( I am an achievement whore!). I have a whole lot of work to do it seems.

Does anyone else have the trouble replacing their purples with greens? Or is anyone just getting back into the swing of the game and getting overwhelmed by all the new goodies?